Arranged marriage: For love or family
How has the tradition evolved?
First comes marriage, a joining of two families, then comes love, all under the watchful eye of friends and relatives. That’s how arranged marriage used to be. Times have changed and now the process often involves blind dates, matrimonial websites, apps and the choice to keep looking for the perfect match. The terminology has even evolved and is often called “semi-arranged” marriage. A number of young people who may have once shunned the concept, are now turning to it with all its modern twists to find their partners. On the next show we discuss arranged marriage and what it means today.
On this episode of The Stream, we speak with:
Ravi Patel @showmetheravi
Director, “Meet the Patels”
Vasant Patel & Champa Patel @thepapapatel
Parents of Ravi Patel
Surabhi Surendra & Sanjay @womanatics
Arranged marriage couple
Ancy Maruthanal & Michael Abraham
Arranged marriage couple
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