What will Germany look like without Angela Merkel?
Sunday’s election is turning out to be one of the tightest in recent history.
She has been in power for 16 years, leading one of Europe’s most powerful nations. But German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s term is coming to an end.
Voters now have a clear choice – continue along with Merkel’s pragmatic policies, or turn left and give her party’s rivals a chance to govern.
Last month’s devastating floods have put the issue of climate change front and centre.
Nearly 200 people were killed in the worst disaster to hit the nation in decades. So, how will the outcome of this election shape Europe’s largest economy?
Presenter: Nastasya Tay
Mona El Omari – Writer and activist focusing on social justice
Ulrich Brueckner – Political analyst and professor of political science at Stanford University in Berlin
Ulrike Franke – Senior policy fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations