The Stream

30 Mosques in 30 Days

A writer and a film maker take a tour of America’s mosques during the month of Ramadan, blogging about Muslim Americans and their stories.

During the month of Ramadan, writer Aman Ali and filmmaker Bassam Tariq have been travelling across America to break their fast at a different mosque every day for 30 days. Ali and Tariqs’ well-documented journey, better known as “30 Mosques in 30 Days”, builds a rich and diverse narrative of the Muslim American experience via blog posts, photos and videos.

To raise money for the project, Ali and Tariq used the website Kickstarter and raised over $12,000. They began their journey in Alaska on August 1, and will eventually end their 13,000-mile road trip in New York.

As of 2010, there are an estimated 2.5 million Muslim Americans, representing numerous ethnic backgrounds. The Muslim community is comprised of those who have lived in America for generations, recent immigrants and converts. From Ahmadi Muslims in Missouri to a Muslim village in rural South Carolina, Ali and Tariq have been highlighting the lesser-known faces of Muslim America that many people – especially non-Muslims – may not commonly associate with Islam.

These are some of the social media elements featured in this episode of The Stream.
