Inside Story

Can China and the US mend their troubled relations?

The United States’ top diplomat flew to Beijing aiming to ease months of tension.

When superpowers fall out, the rest of the world worries about what might happen next.

So the visit to China by the top US diplomat is being closely watched.

The military and economic giants fail to see eye to eye on many vital issues. There’s rivalry and mistrust on both sides.

But there’s also an acknowledgement, however hesitant, that the strategic rivals need one another to further their own interests, both at home and abroad.

Will Antony Blinken’s visit signal an improvement – or fuel divisions?

Presenter: Mohammed Jamjoom


Einar Tangen – China affairs analyst and senior fellow, Taihe Institute

Natasha Lindstaedt – Deputy dean and professor, University of Essex

Joseph Mahoney – Professor of Politics and International Relations, East China Normal University