The Stream

Will the Kurds break free of Iraq?

The Stream discusses the possibility for an independent Kurdish state.

Is the Kurdish dream of statehood about to become reality? With Iraq’s government in limbo, the Iraqi Kurdish president is suggesting his region would seek formal independence from the rest of the country. Kurds recently expanded their territory when Kurdish militias took over the disputed oil-rich city of Kirkuk after the Iraqi Army fled their posts ahead of ISIL’s advance. Vowing to keep Kirkuk, are the Kurds planning for outright statehood, or more influence inside Iraq? Joins us at 1930GMT.

Namo Abdulla @namo_abdulla
Washington Bureau Chief, Rudaw News

Dindar Zebari @DrDindarZebari
Deputy Head of Foreign Relations, Kurdistan Regional Government

Fazel  Hawramy @FazelHawramy

Lawen Azad @LawenAzad
Former host/producer of “Inside Kurdistan Extra”

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