Studio B: Unscripted

Food, photography and social justice – Asma Khan and Hassan Akkad

In Part 2 of Studio B: Unscripted, restaurateur Asma Khan and refugee activist Hassan Akkad discuss problematic social hierarchies and how to disrupt them.

Asma Khan is the first British chef to feature on Netflix’s Emmy-nominated Chef’s Table. She uses her restaurant, Darjeeling Express, as a social enterprise to elevate those working behind the scenes in the food industry and to promote the breaking of bread to break barriers.

Syrian refugee and photographer Hassan Akkad documented his crossing in 2015 as part of a BAFTA-winning BBC series called Exodus: Our Journey to Europe. Hassan’s political activism helped change a United Kingdom policy benefitting healthcare workers during the pandemic.

In Part 2 of Studio B: Unscripted, Asma and Hassan discuss problematic social hierarchies and how to shake them.