Riz Khan

Endgame in Libya

As European and US military jets continue their operations against Gaddafi’s forces, will it bring peace to the country?

How can the international military coalition opposed to Muammar Gaddafi, the Libyan leader, bring peace to that country without getting caught in a prolonged military conflict?

The US, France and Britain successfully enforced a UN Security Council-approved no-fly zone over Libya to stop Gaddafi’s forces from attacking rebels in the east.


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But many are wondering if those airstrikes will be enough to deter a defiant Gaddafi and whether international troops are needed to push back Libyan government forces.

Complicating matters is a growing chorus of criticism from a number of nations including Turkey, China and India. Also, Vladimir Putin, Russia’s prime minister, has called the UN resolution a “medieval call to crusade”.

We will be discussing those issues with US congressman Dennis Kucinich who has been critical of Barack Obama’s decision to strike Libya; Ali Suleiman Aujali, the former Libyan ambassador to the US, who now represents the Libyan National Transitional Council in Washington, DC; and military strategist Sam Gardiner, a retired American Air Force colonel.

You can join the conversation. Watch the show live on Tuesday, March 22, at 1930GMT. Repeats can be seen on Wednesday at 0430GMT, 0830GMT and 1430GMT.