Victims of so-called haruwa-charuwa system try to escape debt bondage but it’s not so different on other side as well.

Victims of so-called haruwa-charuwa system try to escape debt bondage but it’s not so different on other side as well.
Environmental and economic pressures push people in Kenya’s fishing communities to seek jobs in energy-rich Gulf states.
Remains of millions are buried in Wadi-us-Salaam, the Valley of Peace which gravediggers say is a frightening workplace.
Families remain haunted by unknown whereabouts of 369 Kuwaitis abducted by Saddam Hussein’s forces during Gulf War.
Kuwait’s football community weighs pros and cons of hosting 16 additional matches of an expanded FIFA World Cup.
New taxes and the lifting of sanctions on Iran could contribute to smuggling’s decline in the Strait of Hormuz.