Investigating ‘massacre’ of soldiers in Mali

Al Jazeera uncovers different versions of events surrounding killing of 128 soldiers in Aguelhok.

Al Jazeera has investigated the events surrounding an alleged massacre in northern Mali.

In January 2012, fighters from Ansar al-Dine, an Al Qaeda-linked group, captured a Malian military base in Aguelhok. At least 128 soldiers were killed and others fled.


Two days after the battle, troops loyal to the Malian government published pictures in which soldiers appeared to have been handcuffed and shot.

The governments of Mali and France said 82 of the soldiers had been executed. They blamed Ansar al-Dine and Tuareg rebels.

In this exclusive report, Al Jazeera’s Mohammed Vall uncovers a different version of the alleged massacre at Aguelhok.

Source: Al Jazeera