Inside Story

Can UK tackle growing wage gap among ethnic groups?

A new report says ethnic minority households in the UK earn up to $12,000 less than white Britons.

A new report by the think-tank Resolution Foundation has detailed a growing wage gap among ethnic groups in the UK.

It has found that Pakistani and Bangladeshi households are at the bottom of the list, earning a third less than that of a white British household.

The report says that while incomes for these minority groups have been growing, there is still a large gap between white households and ethnic groups.

So, what does it mean to be in the lowest income group? And how does the UK compare with other rich countries?

Presenter: Martine Dennis


Farah Elahi – researcher and policy analyst at Runnymede Trust.

Matthew Goodwin – senior fellow with the think-tank A Changing Europe.

François Gemenne – research fellow in political science at the University of Versailles.