Arab feminism
In light of the revolutions across the Arab world, what challenges are women facing in this new political era?
What role have Arab women played in the popular uprisings around the Middle East and what stake do they really have in their countries’ political future?
They have often been stereotyped as passive, voiceless, politically apathetic and religiously repressed.
But scenes around the Middle East have complicated preconceptions, with women seen as active political players in trade unions, grass roots activism and other political organisations.
On Tuesday’s Riz Khan we discuss how Arab women have long been committed to fighting for a more equitable society.
We are joined by Rabab al-Mahdi, a professor of political science at the American University in Cairo; Frances Hasso, a professor of Women’s Studies at Duke University; and Nadje al-Ali, a social anthropologist at the University of London.
You can join the conversation. Watch the show live on Tuesday, March 1, at 1930GMT. Repeats can be seen on Wednesday at 0430GMT, 0830GMT and 1430GMT.