Young women are designing Kyrgyzstan’s first satellite while ignoring sexist abuse in a giant leap for womankind.

Young women are designing Kyrgyzstan’s first satellite while ignoring sexist abuse in a giant leap for womankind.
In a country with the highest HIV rate, notions of male pride and responsibility stop men getting diagnosed and treated.
Chief Kachindamoto has broken up 850 child marriages in three years, and banned the sexual initiations of young girls.
Rape is Malawi’s most reported crime. Ujamaa initiative is helping schoolkids defend themselves against perpetrators.
British charities bring experts to provide free surgeries and train local staff to treat congenital heart disease.
Bangladesh charities save little hearts by bringing foreign experts to provide free surgeries and train local staff.
Over-fishing threatens not only the survival of shark species, but also impoverished fishing communities in Madagascar.
Marauding fighters, disease, and hunger have become a way of life at the beleaguered United Nations base in Bentiu.
Government forces are accused of stealing women and girls for sex slavery during the bloody two-year conflict.
On World Rhino Day, the only northern white male left in the world is desperately trying to save his subspecies.