Counting the Cost

US-Pakistan relations: Dead and buried?

How does Osama bin Laden’s death affect US financial aid to Pakistan?

Osama bin Laden’s death has been big news, but for many the real story is the relationship between Pakistan and the US. How much did – or did not – they co-operate on the mission? Is the relationship between Pakistan and the US dead and buried too?

Even before bin Laden was killed – the US administration was already under pressure to curtail its aid to Pakistan, over concerns how the aid was being spent. But with strained relations, will the financial lifeline dry up?

Japan is still dealing with the on-going disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. The final price tag for compensation and clear up could top $130bn. That is from an assessment by the Bank of America-Merrill Lynch – based on the assumption it takes two years for Tokyo Electric to contain the worst nuclear crisis in 25 years. 

And China’s own social network: Could ‘Renren’ be worth twice as much as Facebook?

This episode of Counting the Cost can be seen from Friday, May 6, at the following times GMT: Friday: 2230; Saturday: 0930; Sunday: 0330; Monday: 1630.