Zambia cholera outbreak: Riots over emergency measures

Street vendors arrived on the outskirts of the Zambian capital Lusaka to find that their food stalls had been shut down after they had set up shop in defiance of emergency measures that banned public gatherings and imposed a curfew.

Street vendors arrived on the outskirts of the Zambian capital Lusaka to find that their food stalls had been shut down after they had set up shop in defiance of emergency measures that banned public gatherings and imposed a curfew.

Police say they’ve contained rioting from angry street vendors.

The government says market places like these are breeding grounds for cholera and while it accepts the new rules are tough, it isn’t backing down.

At least 70 people have died in the outbreak in more than three months.

The government says it’s confident the disease will be stamped out in a few weeks.

Al Jazeera’s Mereana Hond reports.