Omar Ashour

Omar Ashour

Omar Ashour is Professor of Security and Military Studies and the Founder of the Security Studies Programmes in the Doha Institute for Graduate Studie... s (Qatar). He is Non-Resident Senior Fellow in Security and Defence Affairs at the Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Foundation (Ukraine) and the University of Exeter (United Kingdom). He is the author of How ISIS Fights: Military Tactics in Iraq, Syria, Libya and Egypt (Open Access in English and in Ukrainian), The De-Radicalization of Jihadists and the editor of Bullets to Ballots: Collective De-Radicalisation of Armed Movements (Open Access in Ukrainian and in Arabic). His current research project focuses comparative combat effectiveness of small(er) states and nonstate forces and the Russian wars on Ukraine.


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The group’s objectives in using terrorism are not new, but its capacity for carrying out attacks is.

Opinion by Omar Ashour
Published On 3 Sep 2016
ISIL Fighters taken from Dabiq Magazine