Palestinians: Ceasefire in Israeli hands

A ceasefire between Palestinians and Israelis will materialise if Tel Aviv works in accordance to the road map, a senior Palestinian official has said.

Uraiqat: The Israeli government has to carry out its commitments

Palestinian Minister of Negotiation Affairs Saib Uraiqat told Aljazeera talks between the Palestinian Authority and resistance factions were progressing well but it was now up to Israel to follow through on its commitments.


“We call on the Israeli government to go back to talks in order to coordinate and prepare a mutual announcement of a ceasefire, to halt violence against both sides as stated in the road map.


“The road map has stated that the Israeli side must halt its violence against Palestinians everywhere and the Palestinian side should halt violence against the Israelis everywhere,” he added.


Israel‘s commitments


Uraiqat said the ceasefire now depends on Israel‘s commitments to the road map, which is backed by the Mideast “quartet” – UN, the US, the EU and Russia.


He believes the Israeli government has to carry out a series of measures it had adhered to prior to the start of the 28 September 2000 intifada.


“Building work to the apartheid wall needs to be stopped, Palestinian offices in Jerusalem must be reopened, settlement activities must be ended, Palestinian detainees must be released, checkpoints must be removed and deportees must be returned.


“These commitments are stated in the road map, and in return we [Palestinians] have other commitments that we will also carry out,” he added.


“Therefore, Palestinian-Israeli contacts and meetings have to be held, so we can achieve all these matters,” he said.


Quartet called on


Uraiqat has called on the quartet to participate in the talks and assign observation committees.


Uraiqat wants the UN quartetto reactivate its role
Uraiqat wants the UN quartetto reactivate its role

Uraiqat wants the UN quartet
to reactivate its role

“The quartet has a big responsibility in this issue. It should be the judge of whatever happens on the ground, tell the whole world which side is committed to its responsibilities and which is not.


“But unfortunately, the quartet has been completely absent and away from what is happening on the ground.”


Israeli attack


On Tuesday, more than 40 Israeli military vehicles raided Saida village in the West Bank city of Tulkarim, imposing a curfew, Aljazeera’s correspondent Muain Shadid reported.


The Israeli forces turned the raided houses and schools into military barracks, he added. 


The correspondent said the Israeli army also deployed explosives experts and military bulldozers in the village, threatening to demolish houses if activists did not turn themselves in.


The Israeli army says a large number of wanted activists live in the village.




In the village of Sikaka south of Nablus, dozens of Palestinians rallied on Tuesday to protest against the resumption of the building of the Israeli separation wall, Aljazeera correspondent Shirin Abu Aqla reported.


Israeli forces fired tear gas to disperse the demonstrators.

Source: Al Jazeera