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Could a “prawn ladder” built into a dam wall aid in the fight against bilharzia in the Senegal basin?

Video Duration 06 minutes 19 seconds 06:19

A man from a leprosy colony in India talks about the difficulties he has faced since being diagnosed with the disease.

Video Duration 01 minutes 43 seconds 01:43

Meet the scientists at ‘Mosquito city’ who are using unusual and innovative methods to tackle malaria.

Video Duration 08 minutes 25 seconds 08:25

A team in South Sudan tries to find out where a cattle herder with Guinea worm may have infected communal water sources.

Video Duration 07 minutes 23 seconds 07:23

Why is Africa still the most dangerous place in the world for mothers and babies?

Video Duration 47 minutes 30 seconds 47:30

How a small organisation seized on Coca-Cola’s global reach to save the lives of children in Zambia

Simon Berry and Rohit Ramchandani speak to a shop owner about their life-saving product in Katete, Zambia [SIMON BERRY]

Will health workers in Pakistan overcome political and religious tensions to vaccinate children against polio?

Video Duration 47 minutes 17 seconds 47:17