Echoes of a Lost Gaza
Filmmaker Mariam Shahin looks back at how a blockade and wars in Gaza have reduced the hopes of its people to dust.
Watch episode 1 above. Watch episode 2 below.
Documentary director Mariam Shahin has been making films about Gaza for more than 30 years. In 2009, she produced a documentary for Al Jazeera English that told the stories of six sets of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip whom she had followed for four years. When she moved to Gaza in 2005, she felt a powerful sense of optimism after the Israeli withdrawal. But by 2009, war had badly damaged Gaza’s infrastructure, neighbourhoods, businesses and communities – and that optimism had evaporated.
In the midst of the current war, Mariam looks back at these stories and reflects on the wasted potential, lost hope and devastated lives after 16 years of blockade, poverty and conflict.
Episode 2:
The second programme looks back at five characters and stories that Mariam covered in Gaza between 2007 and 2011: the importance of childbearing in Arab society and how fertility clinics are a big part of that; the Alfaluna school for deaf children and its founder Geraldine Shawa; Omayya Joha, a religious woman who draws political cartoons for a local newspaper; Munzer al-Dayyeh, a motorbike enthusiast and motor mechanic in great demand in Gaza under the Israeli blockade; and a group of parkour artists in Khan Younis refugee camp crossing borders through their art form.