Tourette’s and Me | Close Up
This documentary project started as a short television story about a summer camp for kids with Tourette’s syndrome. That’s where I met Zack Lamb.
In case you don’t know – a tic is an electrical misfire in the brain … a wrong signal that hijacks your muscles or your voice. Many tics are no worse than the hiccups. But when I met him, Zack Lamb’s tics were destroying his life. And threatening to kill the people he loved most in the world.
After that I stayed with Zack – while he was put into a medically induced coma to stop his legs from kicking uncontrollably. And I was there the day he asked a pretty girl ‘will you be my girlfriend?’ by writing the question on a baseball … and when she said ‘yes.’
I drove to the hospital with him the day of the experimental neurosurgery that would stab a lightning rod into Zack’s brain – and leave it there.
Throughout all of that I kept noticing that Zack knew things that I didn’t know. Important things. The kind of things that Helen Keller knew; that Viktor Frankl knew. About where to find hope – where I would only find hopelessness. About love – even in the face of violence.
Zack is one of those few people who write fresh pages in our shared survival guide. Who struggle on up ahead of us – and then come back – and hand us a map that leads us straight to the very best in ourselves.
People will sometimes say “never meet your heroes in real life”. But I am deeply grateful I met mine.
A film by: Aaron Lewis and Aaron Thomas
Producer: Vicky Strobl
Sound Mix: Jordan Moser
Composer: Vicki Hansen
Editors: Aaron Thomas and Andrew Phillips
Executive Producer: Andrew Phillips
Thanks to Camp Twitch and Shout and the Lamb family