TV hosts to square off in mock US debate

Some are concerned that the likes of O’Reilly and Stewart have the power to sway undecided voters.

An epic debate. A game changer. History in the making.

No, it is not US President Barack Obama versus presidential candidate Mitt Romney, who already faced each other in a debate on Wednesday.

Instead, rival US TV presenters Jon Stewart and Bill O’Reilly, some of the biggest names in US television, are suiting up for a political mock debate on Saturday in Washington, DC.

Stewart’s a man of the left who hosts “The Daily Show,” a nightly Comedy Central show based on the day’s news in which he punctures the egos and prejudices of politicians.

Bill O’Reilly’s a conservative whose week night Fox News Channel show the “Factor,” has one of the biggest audiences in primetime.

Some are concerned that the likes of O’Reilly and Stewart have the power to sway voters who have yet to make up their minds.

Al Jazeera’s John Terrett reports from Washington, DC.

Source: Al Jazeera