General Petraeus and his student protesters at the City University of New York, confront the Vietnam Syndrome.
Tarak Barkawi
Tarak Barkawi is associate professor in the Department of Politics, New School for Social Research. He earned his doctorate at the University of Minne... sota and specialises in the study of war, armed forces and society with a focus on conflict between the West and the global South. He has written on colonial armies, "small wars" and imperial warfare, the Cold War in the Third World, and on counterinsurgency and the War on Terror. More generally, he is interested in the place of armed force in histories and theories of globalisation, modernisation and imperialism, especially from a postcolonial perspective.
Content Feed
Avenues and actions for global economic reform are more likely to originate from the ‘Global South’ than the ‘West’.
As public focus becomes insular across many post-industrial nations, it’s time to imagine new norms in global politics.
The latest posturing by Western countries shows both their hypocrisy and their powerlessness.
Is the NSA tapping the internet essential to keeping up with US rivals and enemies?
People in the West ought to wake up and emulate the popular revolts of Brazil and Turkey, suggests Barkawi.
The global “war on terror” will continue to define what is possible in politics at home and abroad.
Liberalism in the 1920s was strong enough to tolerate mass protests and respectful funerals for “terrorists”.
The neoliberal sacking of the universities runs much deeper than tuition hikes and budget cuts, notes Barkawi.
The North Korean bomb may be an uncomfortable fact of life, but so too is the US bomb, notes Barakawi.