Melissa Chan

Melissa Chan

Melissa Chan is a national and foreign affairs reporter. She was a broadcast correspondent for Al Jazeera America, covering stories on social justice,... the economy, the environment, and the rural American West. With Al Jazeera English, she served as China correspondent for five years before her expulsion from the country in 2012 for the channel's reports. She has also reported from Cuba, Canada, South Korea, North Korea, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur, Mongolia, Moscow, Jerusalem, Ramallah, and Gaza. She was a John S. Knight Journalism Fellow at Stanford University, where she focused on developing digital security training for journalists facing potential hacker attacks from state-sponsored entities. She is a term member of the Council on Foreign Relations.


Content Feed

Al Jazeera re­vis­its the Zhao fam­i­ly, whose 11-year-old son was buried in the 2008 earth­quake.

Published On 3 Sep 2012

Move to make army con­scrip­tion com­pul­so­ry for the Hared­im com­mu­ni­ty has brought the Is­raeli gov­ern­ment to an im­passe.

Published On 21 Jul 2012

Al Jazeera’s ex-Bei­jing cor­re­spon­dent says she cov­ered coun­try hon­est­ly and eq­ui­tably, af­ter hav­ing cre­den­tials re­voked.

Published On 13 May 2012
Melissa Chan

Melis­sa Chan re­ports from Bei­jing on a moth­er’s search for a miss­ing daugh­ter she says is among those be­ing held in il­le­gal de­ten­tion cen­tres.

Published On 14 Mar 2012

Al Jazeera’s Melis­sa Chan has a strange en­counter with a rather Or­wellian Chi­nese po­lice of­fi­cer, as she at­tempts to in­ter­view a rights at­tor­ney about the pas­sage of a new law.

Published On 10 Mar 2012

With cri­tiques of Marx­ism and free-think­ing sem­i­nars on pol­i­tics and eco­nom­ics, Chi­na’s top school for Com­mu­nist Par­ty of­fi­cials is far from the dour in­sti­tu­tion you might imag­ine.

Published On 25 Jan 2012
Witness - Feet Unbound

This is the Year of the Drag­on. The drag­on is a great sym­bol of Chi­na, but its ar­rival por­tends bad luck and a chal­leng­ing year ahead. That’s some­thing the po­lit­i­cal lead­er­ship of Chi­na is cer­tain­ly not obliv­i­ous to.

Published On 23 Jan 2012