Donald Trump will assume command of a drone campaign that lacks any meaningful constraints.

Donald Trump will assume command of a drone campaign that lacks any meaningful constraints.
Closing the door on Syrians fleeing violence and persecution is not just pointless, it also harms security.
Unless there is more transparency about what the intelligence agencies are doing, the prospects for reform will be dim.
Nobody who matters actually says it works.
The US position that suspected terrorists can be detained under the law of armed conflict remains highly controversial.
US double standards on human rights are encouraging other states to follow suit.
International media attention on the mass hunger strikes last spring propelled Guantanamo back onto the radar.
Recent rulings by federal district courts are a reminder of the judiciary’s role in checking government overreach.
The latest court ruling will have little effect in closing down Guantanamo.
Despite false starts in the past, there appears to be real momentum behind new efforts to reform Guantanamo policies.