Jonathan Hafetz

Jonathan Hafetz

Jonathan Hafetz is Associate Professor of Law at Seton Hall University School of Law and the author of Habeas Corpus after 9/11: Confronting America's... New Global Detention System.


Content Feed

Unless there is more transparency about what the intelligence agencies are doing, the prospects for reform will be dim.

Opinion by Jonathan Hafetz
Published On 11 Jun 2015
A man protests the Patriot Act during an anarchist rally on the final day of the Democratic National Convention at Copley Plaza in 2004 [Getty]

Recent rulings by federal district courts are a reminder of the judiciary’s role in checking government overreach.

Opinion by Jonathan Hafetz
Published On 6 Jan 2014
The legal landscape may change significantly now that judges are beginning to examine the legality of NSA's surveillance programmes [EPA]

Despite false starts in the past, there appears to be real momentum behind new efforts to reform Guantanamo policies.

Opinion by Jonathan Hafetz
Published On 3 Jul 2013
Detention Center At Guantanamo Bay