Most people agree that inequality is too extreme and needs to be reduced.

Most people agree that inequality is too extreme and needs to be reduced.
The extraordinary mortality rates in India between 1880 to 1920 were no accident.
After all, Western economies – and their economic growth – depend utterly on labour and resources from the South.
Climate breakdown is a result of atmospheric colonisation – and its consequences are playing out along colonial lines.
Imperialism never ended, it just changed form.
Only a truly global vaccination strategy can ensure equal value is placed on the lives of the rich and the poor.
These institutions, designed with colonial principles in mind, remain largely colonial in character to this day.
The claim that we are making ‘wonderful progress’ against global poverty is a fallacy based on a colonial mindset.
Scandinavian countries may top every ranking on human development, but they are a disaster for the environment.
And lied about it.