Interstellar exploration may sound like science fiction, but what if we find a second Earth orbiting a nearby star?

Interstellar exploration may sound like science fiction, but what if we find a second Earth orbiting a nearby star?
What the Curiosity rover has told us about Mars and it’s Earth-like past.
Systemic issues with Russia’s space program have left sizable challenges for the security and safety of its rockets.
Although settling humans on Mars is a good idea, the Mars One proposal is shortsighted.
We should take the discovery of Pluto’s new moons seriously due to naming conventions and as a spacecraft hazard.
Although asteroid 2012 DA14 will not impact Earth, other small undocumented asteroids could.
Voyager 1 has become our eyes and ears on an interstellar trip to the ultimate frontier.
The media was too quick to infer the existence of organics on Mars simply due to the excitement of one scientist.
A meteor impacting Earth is not a matter of ‘if’, but ‘when’ – and Obama’s vision for NASA is critical.
Although the Curiosity Rover didn’t detect any methane on Mars, it still tells a lot about the Red Planet.