North Korea has an estimated 10,000 artillery pieces dug in along its frontier, aimed at the South Korean capital.

Frank Smith is a Seoul-based journalist.
North Korea has an estimated 10,000 artillery pieces dug in along its frontier, aimed at the South Korean capital.
People in isolated nation reel from impact of sanctions, COVID-19 border closure and extreme weather.
South Korea can now develop missiles of whatever range and payload it wants, but analysts worry it could stoke tension.
Seoul has made sending leaflets across the border an offence but North Korean defectors say the law will not stop them.
Fishing communities worry water will contaminate the seas despite promises it will be cleaned of radioactive substances.
Launch of new fighter jet – to enormous fanfare – underlines Seoul’s commitment to controversial industry.
Experts say sanctions relief would get North Korea’s attention to return to talks as the country faces economic decline.
Women forced to work in Japanese military brothels during WW2 renew call for justice as memories come under attack.