Yazidi men whose wives and children were abducted by ISIL are struggling to cope with the uncertainty of their fates.

Yazidi men whose wives and children were abducted by ISIL are struggling to cope with the uncertainty of their fates.
Religious and ethnic minorities feel the consequences of growing intolerance as mosques and asylum centres are targeted.
Dutch citizens joining ISIL and far-right rhetoric are cited as factors fueling assaults on Muslim houses of worship.
Anti-Moroccan comments made by Dutch far-right politician Geert Wilders spark defections, outrage and mass protests.
Amnesty International says government forces are responsible for “a shocking catalogue of abuses” in secret jails.
Facing a worsening atmosphere in Egypt, many Syrians are setting off on an uncertain voyage to Europe.
Girls as young as 14 are being married off, fearing attacks in the world’s second-largest refugee camp.
Mass arrests and jail without charge hark back to Hosni Mubarak’s rule, protesters say.
About 50,000 Syrians, mostly Kurds, have fled to the Domiz camp in northern Iraq as violence rages at home.
As the Kurdistan Workers’ Party withdraws its fighters from Turkey, relatives hope to be reunited with their loved ones.