A sinking feeling on the Levels

Parts of the county of Somerset, UK have been cut off by flooding for several weeks as heavy rain continues.

The Somerset Levels, occupy an area of 650 sq km, in the west of England, bordering the Bristol Channel.

This sparsely populated flat, low-lying area of greenery consists of rich marine clays, slashed by the rocky outcrops of the Polden and Mendip Hills.

Famous for the ancient religious and mystical symbolism of Glastonbury Tor, this is the legendary home of King Arthur’s Isle of Avalon.

Arthur may have been lost in the mists of time, but the fertile agricultural land that he would have been familiar with is still there today – or it would have been if it had not been submerged under as much as two metres of floodwater following weeks of heavy rain.

Many of the small hamlets and villages which pepper the region have been cut off and transport around the region has been very difficult for residents.

Our gallery shows the impact the flooding has had on one local community:


Source: Al Jazeera