
Hopes Unravelled

A look at the lives of Bolivian immigrants in Argentina in search of a better future.

Watch part two

Jose Luis came to Buenos Aires from his native Bolivia  four years ago with hopes of a good job and a promising future. He decided to leave his family and everything he knew behind in search of a better life.

After a three-day bus ride, he arrived in Buenos Aires and was confronted with the reality that his life in Argentina would not be all that he had been promised.

He was brought to a sweatshop where he was to live and work in the same room; a room that he also shared with several other people and their families.

Work hours were from 8am to midnight, Monday through Saturday. In what amounts to forced labour, the monthly salary for the workers is roughly $35.

The people running the factory told the workers that if they ventured out and were discovered by Argentines, they would be persecuted, robbed and potentially jailed so they tend to keep to themselves.

But after improving his situation little by little, Jose Luis now takes advantage of the opportunity to get to know the city as the other inhabitants of Buenos Aires know it.

Sometimes on Sundays the immigrant workers go to the a local plaza to share stories and listen to Bolivian music.

Thousands of Bolivian immigrants in Argentina live the life that Jose Luis once lived.

Their stories coincide with the harsh treatment they were forced to endure and the fear that was instilled in them by those running the factories.

Hopes Unravelled can be seen on Thursday, December 2, at the following times GMT: Thursday: 0830 and 1900; Friday: 0330, 1400 and 2330.