Photographing The Exodus

Photographing The Exodus

Photographer Juan Medina captures the despair of failed asylum seekers from Mali.

Filmmaker: Justin Webster


Juan Medina does more than photograph misery. He traces failed asylum seekers back to Mali and meets the families of those desperate enough to flee. This award winning film follows Juan to understand the man and the cause that has become his life’s work.

Ibrahim Dembele describes the night he fought for his life. As the boat he was carried in from Mali capsized in icy water, a man reached out to grab onto him. But to save his own life and catch the life belt thrown out by the coast guards, Ibrahim had to push the man away and save himself.

There were 11 men who didn’t make it to safety from that boat. Juan Medina was there that night, and has photographs of the scene, along with countless others from other boats and other tragedies. These memories affect coastguards and survivors alike, uniting them despite their often conflicting agendas.