The Stream

Breaking down chemical weapons

What would it take to rid the world of chemical warfare?

An employee in protective clothing prepares to x-ray a dummy grenade during a demonstration in a chemical weapons disposal facility in Munster, Germany, on October 30, 2013. AFP / PHILIPP GUELLAND

About 80 per cent of the world’s chemical weapons have been destroyed, and now under a Russia-US brokered deal, Syria must propose how it will dispose of its chemical arsenal by mid-2014. At the same time, the US and Russia have failed to meet deadlines in neutralising their own chemical stockpiles. Just how challenging is it to get rid of chemical weapons, and what stands in the way of a world free of them?

In this episode, we speak to:

Paul Walker @greencrossint 
Director, Green Cross International
Faiza Patel @FaizaPatelBCJ
Co-director, Brennan Center
Mustafa Kibaroğlu
Professor, Okan University Tuzla

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