Artsworld returns - page

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Local artists give a colourful insight into local culture, worldwide.

As the world struggles with financial difficulties Artsworld, Al Jazeera’s unique culture show, returns for a second series to add a splash of colour to the grey economic background.

Artsworld is presented by special local personalities who reveal their local culture and stories often overlooked elsewhere in the mainstream media.

More Artsworld

undefined Coffin art in Ghana
undefined Guerilla gardeners

Air-walking in China, scissor-dancing in Peru and guerrilla gardening in the UK are just some of the activities we focus on.

Artsworld examines how the arts are used to bring about social change, highlight injustice and provoke political reform and tells stories that change perceptions about the world we live in and allow for a greater understanding of other cultures and traditions.

Artsworld can be seen each week at the following times GMT: Monday: 05:30, 11:30; Tuesday: 01:30, 1400, 23:30; Wednesday: 16:30; Thursday: 14:30; Friday: 06:00; Saturday: 19:30; Sunday: 10:30

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