Wildlife Warzone

Wildlife Warzone Episode 6: Winning the war

Things turn dangerous for two rangers as they encounter armed poachers who are determined to put up a fight.

Wildlife poaching is big business and rhino horn worth more than gold. The only thing standing between South Africa’s animals and possible extinction is a new breed of anti-poaching rangers. They come from a wide range of backgrounds, but they have one thing in common – they are prepared to lay their lives on the line for Africa’s wildlife.

Editor’s note: This series was originally broadcast in 2013. 

In the final episode, there is a full moon, known to rangers as a ‘poacher’s moon’ because it gives them light by which to hunt.

I will never regret this ever, for the rest of my life. I will remember working in anti-poaching, saving wildlife. It's definitely a special feeling.

by Chrisjan, ranger

Rangers Lionel and Lunga are forced to babysit a rhino mother and calf for the night after they get too close to the reserve’s fence. 

They also become involved in a police operation to catch some of those trading in rhino horn.

Meanwhile up north, the rangers set an ambush to catch a poacher who has been setting snares. But things are getting dangerous.


Chrisjan and Freddie follow tracks through the bush and come across armed poachers who are determined to put up a fight.

The anti-poaching rangers risk their lives every day to save South Africa’s wildlife, but when they see a rhino mother and calf, Freddie says: “If nothing is done, this will become just a memory. It would be terribly sad if our children did not see these things.”
