Is ISIL resurging amid the coronavirus pandemic?
Group is using social instability to spread its message and recruit more members.
On Thursday, August 13 at 19:30 GMT:
As countries around the world grapple with COVID-19, economic downturn and social unrest, experts say ISIL is capitalising on current instability to gain more followers and build upon its presence in regions including West Africa and Southeast Asia. Some worry the potential for recruitment is even greater at a time when many more people are jobless and feeling distraught under lockdown.
With governments focused on pandemic response, is enough being done to combat ISIL’s ability to spread its ideology and carry out attacks? In this episode of The Stream, we’ll discuss how the group is trying to use the coronavirus threat to its advantage.
On this episode of The Stream, we speak with:
Aymenn Al-Tamimi, @ajaltamimi
Fellow, George Washington University
Georgi Engelbrecht, @Durian_Diaries
Senior analyst, International Crisis Group
Willem Els, @issafrica
Training Coordinator, Institute for Security Studies
Read more:
Two years after ISIL defeat, Mosul still in ruins – Al Jazeera