Will spy tech put an end to protesting forever?
The Stream asks whether demonstrators can be invisible in a surveillance age.
On Thursday, July 23 at 19:30 GMT:
If it feels like somebody is watching you, it’s probably your government. Even when you are exercising your right to protest.
During the Black Lives Matter demonstrations in the US, government drones kept a watchful eye on protesters below as they donned masks to conceal their faces. In Hong Kong, demonstrators used umbrellas and laser pointers in an attempt to shield their identity from facial-recognition tech.
So how do you protest in the information age and keep your privacy? In this episode of The Stream we ask, as spy tech becomes more advanced, is it possible to protest anonymously anymore?
On this episode of The Stream, we speak with:
Silkie Carlo, @silkiecarlo
Director, Big Brother Watch UK
Clare Garvie, @ClareAngelyn
Senior Associate, Center on Privacy & Technology at Georgetown Law, Georgetown University
Mary Hui,@maryhui
Reporter, Quartz
Read more:
US law enforcement surveilled protests with drones, spy planes – Al Jazeera
Amazon pauses police use of its facial recognition software – Al Jazeera