The Stream

How are women changing enterprise across Africa?

Three enterpreneurs join The Stream to talk about the challenges they have faced on the way to building successful businesses.

Rwanda’s capital is the setting for a new effort to promote gender equality in Africa – the Global Gender Summit 2019. Organisers of the three-day conference in Kigali hope to promote women’s empowerment by considering investment, legal frameworks and access to opportunity in sectors such as academia, government and development.

Top women entrepreneurs from across Africa are also taking part in the summit, sharing examples of the challenges they have faced in starting their companies while providing inspiration to other women considering their first steps in a business climate that has traditionally favoured men. While Africa has the world’s highest proportion of women who start or run a business, many face roadblocks in obtaining credit from banks. Now the African Development Bank – which is organising the summit in Kigali – is launching a plan called the Affirmative Finance Action for Women in Africa, which aims to provide women across the continent with better access to loans that can help build their fledgling businesses.


On Tuesday three businesswomen from different African countries will join The Stream to talk about building successful enterprises in a business environment that is still weighted in favour of men – and consider what steps are needed to level the playing field. Join the conversation.

On this episode of The Stream, we speak with:

Flora Mutahi, @FloraMutahi
CEO and Founder, Melvin’s Tea

Diana Mbogo, @DianaMbogo1
CEO, Millennium Engineers

Yvette Ishimwe, @YvetteIshimwe1
CEO, IRIBA Water Group

Read more:
Why Africa’s women entrepreneurs struggle to grow — and how to help – The Conversation
Women-led tech startups on the rise in Africa – Africa Renewal

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