Keeping an eye on US police
What is the best way to monitor police conduct in the United States?
Would Walter Scott still be alive if police officers in the US were required to wear body cameras? Amateur video of the fatal shooting of Scott, an unarmed 50-year-old black man, by a white police officer has reignited discussions about how to monitor police conduct and hold officers accountable for their actions. Many are rallying behind the use of body cameras to reduce police violence. So, would eyes on cops make the difference between life and death? We discuss at 19:30GMT.
On this episode of The Stream, we speak to:
Muhiyidin D’baha @daBlockUp @BlkLvsMatterCHS
Organiser, Black Lives Matter Charleston
Eugene Ramirez
Police defense attorney
Morgan Hargrave @morganhargrave @witnessorg
Programme Manager, Witness
Jamilah King @jamilahking
Staff writer, TakePart
What do you think? What is the best way to monitor police conduct in the United States? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.