The Listening Post

Palestine-Israel through three European lenses

Israel-Gaza as seen in Europe: examining how history has informed coverage in Germany, France and Ireland.

If the United States has aided and abetted Israel’s campaign of ethnic cleansing in Gaza, the European Union’s role has been one of quiet complicity.

In a special edition of The Listening Post, we examine the discourse around the conflict in three EU countries: Germany, where shows of support for the Palestinians have been heavily suppressed; France, where television news channels have distorted the debate to suit their own agendas; and the outlier that is Ireland, where there has been probing criticism of Israel’s actions – from politicians and in the media.

Segment 1: Germany

Hanno Hauenstein – Journalist and former editor Berliner Zeitung
Wieland Hoban – Chair, Jewish Voice for Peace
Hebh Jamal – Palestinian journalist

Segment 2: France

Rima Hassan – International Lawyer and President, Refugee Camps Observatory
Thomas Legrand – Radio Host, France Inter
Daniel Schneidermann – Founder & Columnist, Arrêt Sur Images and Columnist, Libération

Segment 3: Ireland

Brendan Ciarán Browne – Assistant Professor of Conflict Resolution and Fellow of Trinity College Dublin
Una Mullally – Columnist, The Irish Times
Shona Murray – Europe Correspondent, Euronews
