Pakistan: A Traditional Future
Pakistani architect Yasmeen Lari uses local building techniques to rebuild villages in the flood-stricken Sindh region.
Pakistani architect Yasmeen Lari uses local building techniques to rebuild villages in the flood-stricken Sindh region.
A six-part documentary series profiling architects who are using design as a form of activism and resistance to tackle the world’s urban, environmental and social crises. The series follows architects from Vietnam, Nigeria, Spain, Pakistan, Israel/Occupied West Bank and Brazil who believe architecture can do more than iconic towers and luxury flats – turning away from elite “starchitecture” to design for the majority.
Pakistan’s first female architect is one of the most successful providers of disaster relief shelters in the world.
The charismatic architect has worked on favela urbanisation in Rio de Janeiro long before it became fashionable.
The subversive architect from Seville has dedicated his career to reclaiming public space in austerity-hit Spain.
The Nigerian architect is pioneering sustainable floating buildings in the informal settlement of Makoko in Lagos.
The informal builder has constructed more than 100 houses in his local community of Rocinha, Brazil’s largest favela.
The architect wants to restore tropical beauty to Vietnam’s fast-growing cities and provide housing for the poor.
The Israeli architect and writer examines architecture’s role in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Series creator Daniel Davies on how architecture and design can be used to build a better world.