Inside Story

Does anti-Israel mean anti-Semitism?

Debate over anti-Semitism in the UK’s main opposition Labour Party has put leader Jeremy Corbyn under huge pressure.

The definition of anti-Semitism has long been a dividing topic.

It is commonly used to describe hostility towards or discrimination against Jews as a religious or racial group.

But what’s considered discriminative is disputed.

Thirty-one countries have endorsed a definition by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), which includes 11 examples of anti-Semitic behaviour.

Not everyone agrees on those examples, however, and the issue has engulfed the UK’s Labour Party in a row for months.

Its leader, Jeremy Corbyn, has been accused of holding anti-Semitic views

On Tuesday, Labour bowed to mounting pressure and adopted the IHRA’s full code, with a caveat.

The row has been defused, for now.

But the question remains: What exactly does anti-Semitism mean?


Presenter: Hashem Ahelbarra


Emma Fox – National organiser of the students’ rights programme at the Henry Jackson Society

Sarah Glynn – Member of Scottish Jews against Zionism 

Gideon Levy – Columnist with Haaretz newspaper
