Do advantages of microchipping workers outweigh risks?
Arrival of first US workers with microchip implants raises questions of potential risks to health, security and privacy.
To be “chipped” or not to be – that is the question. Workers in Wisconsin are the first in the United States to be implanted with microchips. A similar system already works in Sweden.
They are opening doors electronically, remotely logging into computers – even buying lunch without moving a muscle.
But the skin tech has its critics. Some see it as another example of Big Brother watching your every move.
What about potential risks to health and security? And are we forgetting privacy?
Presenter: Hazem Sika
Ben Libberton – Swedish Medical Nanoscience Center and microchip critic
Jowan Osterlund – Founder of BioHax International
Clara Grelsson – Microchip donor