Inside Story

Will Brexit still mean Brexit?

Britain’s Supreme Court says the government must consult parliament before starting negotiations to leave the EU.

Many Britons who want to stay in the European Union felt a rush of relief on Tuesday when the Supreme Court ruled that only parliament can say when negotiations can begin to leave the EU.

Since then, it has become clear that the ruling probably will not prevent Brexit, or even delay the proposed schedule. But many believe it will have long-term ramifications for Great Britain.

Prime Minister Theresa May was in parliament on Wednesday, staging a heated debate with the opposition.

She says she will publish her plans for Brexit in a formal policy document called the White Paper.

How will this affect the so-called “hard Brexit”? And what does it all mean for the UK?

Presenter: Richelle Carey


David Greene – Lawyer representing one of the claimants Deir Dos Santos – who was the first person to lodge a legal complaint against Theresa May’s plan to trigger Article 50 without a parliamentary vote

Michael Patchett-Joyce – Lawyer at Outer Temple Chambers who specialises in UK and EU laws

Simon Pia – Journalist with the Scotsman and a former Scottish Labour Party media adviser


John McGrane – Director General, British Irish Chamber of Commerce