Inside Story

Is a ‘hard Brexit’ the best way for UK to leave EU?

British Prime Minister Theresa May outlines her country’s plan to leave the European Union.

Prime Minister Theresa May wants a complete break from the European Union, not a partial membership.

It is a move some have called a “hard” Brexit.

She laid out her strategy in a highly anticipated speech in London.

May insists her country will seek new and equal partnerships with its friends and allies in the EU.

Her ultimate goal is to build what she calls a stronger, fairer, truly global Britain.

But critics of this abrupt break argue that it will be destructive and will have a serious and negative effect on the economy.

Is a complete break the right way to go for Britain?

Presenter: Sami Zeidan


Vicky Pryce – senior managing director at FTI Consulting

Ulrich Brueckner – specialist in European Integration

Daniel Hannan – British member of the European parliament