How can we make the most of artificial intelligence?
Oxford University researchers predict almost half of US jobs will be done by machines in the next 20 years.
Machines and robots are increasingly shoving humans aside in the workplace.
They build, cook and clean for us and increasingly work for us – so much so that Oxford University predicts almost half of US jobs will be done by machines and robots within the next 20 years.
And then there is the next wave of technology: smarter artificial intelligence and augmented reality.
It is a future that is leaving many people concerned and confused, while others see endless potential.
What opportunities can artificial intelligence provide? And can it really replace humans?
Presenter: Jane Dutton
Guang-Zhong Yang – director of the Hamlyn Centre for Robotic Surgery
Noel Sharkey – professor of artificial intelligence and robotics at the University of Sheffield
Cyrus Hodes – director and co-founder of the artificial intelligence initiative at the Harvard Kennedy School