Inside Story

Lebanon’s deepening crisis

As the garbage crisis worsens, the government remains unable to take action.

Hezbollah ministers and their Christian allies boycotted a weekly cabinet meeting, further paralysing Prime Minister Tammam Salam’s unity government. They are reportedly in dispute with other members of the government over issues including decrees passed without their approval.

This happened as the government is still grappling with the garbage collection problem.

Waste has gone uncollected since the capital’s main landfill was closed just over a month ago.

The government has been unable to agree on a new site. That has led to angry protesters taking to the streets of Beirut, denouncing what they call political corruption.

So, is Lebanon heading towards a renewed cycle of unrest?
Presenter: Laura Kyle
Kamel Wazne – political analyst and founder of Center of American Strategic Studies in Beirut.
Alexandra Al Hajj –  human rights activist.
Rami Khouri – Director of the Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy & International Affairs at the American University of Beirut.