The Stream

Is Sudan still on the path to democracy?

Transitional government passes reforms but faces challenge to ensure a range of voices is heard.

On Tuesday, July 21 at 19:30 GMT:
People across Sudan are digesting news that the transitional government has scrapped several laws in place during the rule of now-deposed president Omar al-Bashir, part of its stated aim to eventually establish democracy.

Justice minister Nasredeen Abdulbari announced on July 11 that the transitional government has amended Sudan’s criminal law, repealing the death penalty for apostasy and ending public flogging as a punishment for crimes. Other legal changes announced in recent days include restricting the death penalty to those between 18 and 70, and a new act that guarantees the right of women to travel freely, without having to get explicit permission from a husband of father. A law criminalising female genital mutilation was ratified on July 10.

The amendments follow protests led by thousands of people across Sudan on June 30, urging the transitional government to move more swiftly with reforms to encourage democratic change. But while many Sudanese have since expressed satisfaction that repressive laws have now been annulled, religious and social conservatives have protested against the changes. And some activists are urging the transitional government – under which power is shared between military and civilian leaders – to nonethless consult the public before changing any laws. Sudan’s 11-member Sovereign Council and the executive led by prime minister Abdalla Hamdok are still working on the establishment of a representative legislative body that is acceptable to opposition groups who started rebellions when al-Bashir was president. As political tensions simmer, millions of Sudanese are contending with electricity cuts, food and fuel shortages, and the impact of coronavirus.

With Sudan’s military and civilian leaders maintaining an uneasy partnership in the drive towards democratic elections in 2022, we’ll examine what people across the country think lies ahead. Join the conversation.

On this episode of The Stream, we are joined by:
Khattab Hamad, @ga800l
Activist and writer, Global Voices

Kholood Khair, @kholoodkhair
Managing partner, Insight Strategy Partners

Hiba Morgan, @hiba_morgan
Al Jazeera correspondent

Read more:
Arab, Western states pledge $1.5bn for Sudan at donor event – Al Jazeera
Sudan needs a UN peacekeeping mission – Al Jazeera