Inside Story

Who has the power to stop Libya’s civil war?

World leaders meeting in Berlin agree to stop sending weapons fuelling the conflict.

Libya’s civil war is now in its sixth year.

A host of countries is involved in providing support to the two sides vying for power: the UN-recognised government of Fayez al-Sarraj and renegade military commander, Khalifa Haftar.

At a summit in Berlin on Sunday, world leaders agreed to respect a UN arms embargo and to work towards a permanent ceasefire.

Sarraj and Haftar both attended the talks, but refused to sit in the same room.

However, German Chancellor Angela Merkel believes the meeting helped to lay out the groundwork for another meeting in Geneva later this month.

So who has the power to stop Libya‘s further slide into crisis?

Presenter: Martine Dennis


Issa Tuwegiar – Former Libyan minister of planning

Virginie Collombier – Professor at Middle East Directions Programme, European University Institute

Galip Dalay – Mercator Fellow, German Institute for International and Security Affairs