Inside Story

Will Austria’s government really crack down on the far right?

Vienna says it may ban a far-right group over an alleged connection with the Christchurch attacker in New Zealand.

The Austrian government says it will not tolerate “dangerous ideologies” and that it’s now considering disbanding the far-right Identitarian Movement and investigating whether it is a “terrorist” organisation.

The announcement on Wednesday came after it was revealed that the movement’s leader, Martin Sellner, received nearly $1,700 from the man accused of perpetrating two mosque attacks in Christchurch, New Zealand, earlier this month.

Sellner has denied any ties to the suspected attacker.

Austria‘s far-right Freedom Party, which entered government in December 2017, has distanced himself from the Identitarians, while Chancellor Sebastian Kurz says radical ideologies are not welcome in Austria.

Is anyone convinced?

Presenter: Hazem Sika


Michael Bonvalot – Author and export on the far right in Austria

Emily Gorcenski – Researcher and advisory board member to the Prosecution Project, a research lab studying political violence

Cynthia Miller-Idriss – Professor of sociology at the American University and author of, The Extreme Gone Mainstream: Commercialization and Far-Right Youth Culture in Germany