Counting the Cost

Can Germany’s past pay for Greece’s future?

We examine the issues behind the Greek government’s demand for German wartime reparations.

As Greece is trying to renegotiate its $260bn bailout, the country has reignited the debate over reparations and compensations for atrocities committed during World War II.

Berlin says the matter is closed and it owes nothing, but Athens wants it taken seriously. They are asking for 160bn euros (around $172bn) of war time reparations, plus 50bn euros for loans taken from the Greek Central Bank back in 1943.  

In addition, Athens demands $30m for the Distomo massacre. In June 1944, Nazi troops descended on the village in central Greece. They were executing resistance fighters, when they were attacked from the hills. What followed is one of the most infamous Nazi atrocities in Greece, soldiers went from house to house, killing 214 people.

Germany has done a great deal to acknowledge its past, and as Europe’s economic powerhouse it has contributed billions into the EU budget – $17bn every year. That is just one of many reasons used to dismiss the reparations claims.

Can reparations help Greece on its way to recovery? Does Germany owe Greece wartime reparations money? And can apologies and compensations bring closure? Dominic Kane examines Germany’s economic success and takes a look at the question of reparations.


Ulf Brunnbauer, a historian at Regensburg University, joins Counting the Cost to talk about Germany’s past and present, legal and moral claims, and the issues behind Greece’s move to ask for reparations 70 years after the war.

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