Hacking world hunger during the coronavirus pandemic

With the global spread of COVID-19, more than 130 million are expected to be on the edge of starvation.


Global hunger is one of the most dangerous side effects of the coronavirus pandemic. Some of the most vulnerable to hunger live in the world’s richest cities, or work in the industries that feed us. In this episode, The Take explores the global food chain’s weak links and how some are innovating to help keep people fed.

In this episode:

Duarte Geraldino (@Duartegeraldino), deputy managing business editor for AJ Impact; Edward Summers (@edsummers11), executive director of The Bronx Private Industry Council; and Raj Patel (@_RajPatel), research professor at the University of Texas at Austin.

For more:

Coronavirus response: Hacking emergency food supply chains

Food supply chains do not care if people go hungry

The team:

Amy Walters produced this episode with Priyanka Tilve, Ney Alvarez, Alexandra Locke, Dina Kesbeh, and Malika Bilal. Alex Roldan is the sound designer. Natalia Aldana is the engagement producer. Stacey Samuel is The Take’s Executive Producer, and Graelyn Brashear is Al Jazeera’s Head of Audio.

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Source: Al Jazeera
